Thursday, May 22, 2008

Triathlon and Camping

Chad competed in his 2nd triathlon at Smith Mountain Lake. The weather was gorgeous, he beat is previous time and we had a blast camping with the boys. Maybe we'll be back next year.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sleeping, Robots, and Star Wars

Keegan has gotten into the habit of falling asleep wherever...come afternoon time with blanket in hand and thumb in mouth, he will plop down and take a nap.

Apparently, I did the same thing when I was a kid.

The kids playing dress up.

We took the boys up to Philadelphia to the Franklin Institute to see a Star Wars exhibit. Boston's favorite part was seeing C3PO and R2D2. Keegan's favorite was pushing the buttons on each display to hear it's discription. I liked the Millenium Falcon models, they were so detailed, even the one smaller than my fist. Chad's favorite part was afterward going to Mama's Pizzaria for cheese steaks. Thanks Matt for suggesting it. The cheese steaks were so so yummy. My mouth is watering right now.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Has Arrived!

Life and beauty has returned. Today we celebrated the first BBQ of the season by eating outside and enjoying the warm, not so humid, sprintime weather. Tonight we will sleep with the windows open. I love spingtime!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chad's First Criterium

Can you find Chad? Yes he is in the picture. He has a red collar, black helmet and his face is turned to the side. A clue, look to the back (you can't see a lot of his face). This was a 30 minute Cat 5 race. The speeds got up to 30+ mph each lap. Chad says he was on the limit most of the race. Unfortunately this is the best picture of Chad at this race.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Dad the Babysitter

This is what happens when dad is left home with the kids.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good Knight

Once there was a brave and valiant knight named Boston. On the anniversary of his 5th birthday there was a festival held in his honor. Fellow knights and princesses from around the country came to celebrate.

I don't know what I was thinking, really, to have 15 kids over, but it was so fun to see them dressed up and pretending. They played pin-the-tail on the dragon, break the dragon egg relay, and went on a dragon hunt. Boston loved every minute of it.